System Features | Facade Installation with Mounting Rail Direct

Energy-efficient facades that also meet the highest architectural and aesthetic requirements are becoming increasingly popular. With the ATP Solar Mountings wall mounting system, photovoltaic and solar modules can be integrated into the facade design. Photovoltaic or solar modules are attached to wall spacers using the Mounting Rail Direct and L-profiles. The wall spacers are supplied with integrated thermal separation and leave room for generous insulation and ventilation. Our photovoltaic wall mounting system provides for seamless integration into a curtain wall, ventilated facade, or can specifically highlight photovoltaic modules as design facade elements.

The wall mounting system for solar and photovoltaic systems is part of our standard product range.


Die Montage des ATP Solar Mountings Solarmontagesystems erfolgt immer in drei einfachen Schritten!

Wir haben bei der Entwicklung unseres Solarmontagesystems auf eine einfache, schnelle und komfortable Montage Wert gelegt. Daher folgt die Montagesystematik des ATP Solar Mountings Solarmontagesystems immer der gleichen einfachen Logik.

Montage der Dachanbindung

Anbringen der Montageschienen

Befestigung der PV-Module